Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Water Marble Nail Tutorial

Water Marble is a fun nail art technique that is fairly easy and very beautiful. This tutorial takes you step by step on how to make these neat designs.
Below Is My First Attempt A Water Marble


  1. Gather the needed Supplies. Nail Polish Remover. Disposable Cup of Room Temperature Water, not completely filled. At least 2 different nail polishes. Scotch Tape. Toothpick like object.
  2. Remove any nail polish you might be wearing.
  3. Apply tape around nail, covering skin. Cover the back too!
  4. Drop nail polish into water in concentric circles.
  5. Create as many rings as you like. 4 or 5 is a good number.
  6. Take toothpick and lightly swirl a marble design in paint.
  7. Dunk fingertip into water, nail side down.
  8. Blow on Surface of water for a few seconds. 
  9. Remove finger from water. 
  10. Remove Tape
  11. Let Dry 
  12. Use toothpick to remove any leftover paint on water.
  13. Repeat the process for all nails.