Water Marble is a fun nail art technique that is fairly easy and very beautiful. This tutorial takes you step by step on how to make these neat designs.
Below Is My First Attempt A Water Marble
- Gather the needed Supplies. Nail Polish Remover. Disposable Cup of Room Temperature Water, not completely filled. At least 2 different nail polishes. Scotch Tape. Toothpick like object.
- Remove any nail polish you might be wearing.
- Apply tape around nail, covering skin. Cover the back too!
- Drop nail polish into water in concentric circles.
- Create as many rings as you like. 4 or 5 is a good number.
- Take toothpick and lightly swirl a marble design in paint.
- Dunk fingertip into water, nail side down.
- Blow on Surface of water for a few seconds.
- Remove finger from water.
- Remove Tape
- Let Dry
- Use toothpick to remove any leftover paint on water.
- Repeat the process for all nails.